- July 5, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Business Solutions
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Antraco Aruba Group akinan ta yuda Centro Man Na Obra ta aki cu su cabesante Sra. Elvira Arias-Tromp cu un grupo di miembro y representante di Antraco. Man Na Obra ta recibi cu un machin di copia marca Canon como donashon di Antraco Aruba Group, e machin ta un necesidad pa nan. Centro Man Na Obra ta un departamento pa 75 adulto di fundacion pa esnan cu un defisiencia Intelectual. No ta e prome biaha cu Antraco Aruba Group ta yuda e instancia caricativo aki. Antraco su gerencia y miembronan ta kere den duna bek na e comunidad cu nan ta sirbi y ta haci donashonan tur kwartaal.
Antraco Aruba Group believes in giving back to the community we serve and has always given to charity. We mostly concentrate on those who are in need as well as in the educational area. We are now structuring our donations and charity work we do quarterly. Please make sure that all donations request are handed in at our offices behind Antraco Plaza before the 17th of each month in order to be able to receive possible donation the following month. This in order for the committee in charge to review and send for approval same. Or, email us at management@antracoaruba.com before the 17th of each month.